

5 June 2013:

Some random musings VIII.

1. It really is better not to think of girls. Since JC I really didn't think about such things, and it certainly has made my life happier.

It's not to say that student couples are bad / wrong. But I think that sometimes it's really better to leave such things till after JC. Maybe what older folk said was true.

For one there's the woo-ing process where the guy (mostly) does lots of stuff to get the girl's attraction and win her heart. That stage a lot normally involves lots of time and money in doing cute stuff for her or texting her a lot.

Then once the girl says yes and they become a couple, there's the definite sticking together. As a couple they would be in each other's company a lot of times. Again that takes up time.

Or what if things don't even work out in the first place and the guy gets friendzoned? That's worse right? You'll brood over the girl and continually think of her. It can be rather distracting.

As I said, I really didn't think of girls even since entering JC. Yes there are cute girls from time to time that catch my attention, but no I have never thought of trying to chase any girl.

In fact this wasn't even a subconscious repression. I didn't force myself to say 'okay stop liking people'. It just came naturally. Or maybe I'm really not into any TJC girl.

Either way, this really saved me heartbreak and agony. Previously I would be jealous, sad and sometimes angry when the girl I fancy doesn't really care about me. Now, what girl?

As a side note I don't really think guys should be rating girls in any form. To me (and to feminists) they are objectifying girls and treating them like goods. Rate and pick the best.

While it is true that naturally you'd want the best of things, that isn't how love works, isn't it? So what if you get a girlfriend with biggest boobs or nicest smile? Do you love the person or the body?

It's probably understandable for guys to discuss and gossip about any attractive girls in college, but there has to be a limit. Otherwise they'll just sound like male chauvinist pigs that doesn't know how to respect women.

2. The number of people I know in TJ is increasing, as is the norm. But again there arises this issue of who are my close friends?

Sometimes I really feel that I don't have many friends that I'm really close with. I think my 'problem' is that I have many acquaintances and sometimes I think I have that many friends but no.

They are acquaintances and they may leave and I really can't blame them. That's what acquaintances are anyway, no one expected them to stick through thick and thin.

Recently I was thinking through my secondary school memories and I must say I do have some that I know will probably be there for me. To these people I'm really thankful for it.

3. Singapore is getting more and more undesirable as a country. Maybe not to the expats and foreign talent, but I'm sure to Singaporeans.

To be fair it isn't a hellhole. But many things are falling apart. I really don't know what to make of it. And technically my generation is the 'next generation' of Singapore.

I'm not underestimating our generation but I really cannot envision how Singapore will be like in the future. Nationalism and patriotism tells me it'll be better but pragmatism asks really?

Our politics is getting more pluralistic but the ruling party is getting lousier. Frankly speaking I believe many don't mind losing a bit of freedom and rights under a strong and capable leader.

Look at what's going on now. We are still supressed yet our leaders aren't up to standard. Some say be thankful for what we already have, I say why have we deteriorated?

Perhaps those on my Twitter feed would've noticed I made no comment regarding the MDA licensing thingy. If you know me well enough you'll know that I am very opinionated. For me to stay silent on something gripping the nation is highly unusual.

Reason being I've become numb. I don't know and don't bother to judge who's right or wrong. Maybe we're all wrong and MDA doesn't mean harm. Whatever, I say. I can't be bothered.

Time will tell. I surrender my critical thinking skills for the moment because I don't really want to care. And that's happening not only to me now.

Some are becoming apathic. They don't care anymore. Some consider migrating, the rich ones migrate.

That's really sad, don't you think? Previously when I still had my rose glasses on I'd ask why go? Singapore's so fine. Now I know better and sometimes would just wish such people all the best don't live in another Singapore.

So what if such people are labelled 'quitters'? If they can live the life they want in another country then why not? Ultimately it's also about your life. Nationalism yes but pragmatism yes too.

Enough of depressing thoughts regarding Singapore.

4. I truly believe that if people can STOP posting depressing tweets then the whole tweetspace would be more cheerful.

I'm not saying that no everyone HAS to be happy always. That's ridiculous cos we will feel sad from time to time. But what's with 100 tweets about your misery?

I mean if it's that serious then you probably need help. If not then re-consider it cos maybe it ain't that bad.

The worst thing is if you're sad, you post an emo tweet, and you see other such tweets. You'll just think yeah that's so true and get worse. It never helps!

I used to spam emo tweets as well when I was down. It really doesn't work. When I took a breathed from Twitter instead I realised that sometimes we compoud misery and amplify it unnecessarily.

Therefore try to stop emo tweeting. Just once or twice and cool down or go talk to someone. If you need a source of release Twitter isn't really the best place.

5. I should really be a better Buddhist.

6. My lips are hurting rather badly now but no there's no need for a descriptive account of it.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。