

6 April 2013:

Some random musings VI.

(The 'random musings' posts are not related at all.)

1. It's early April now. About seven weeks have passed since the start of JC. I suppose I did not really address my transition to JC, so I shall do it here. But first, let me haolian a little.

2. Those who know me well enough should no that I am really CMI when it comes to fitness. The only thing closest to fitness that I have is flexibility, but of course during NAPFA tests that at most helps during Sit and Reach.

Starting this year, I have decided to be build up my stamina and fitness. I've started with cycling, since it isn't as demoralising as running and I'm quite interested in it. So just now, I went to cycle!

I took nearly two hours to complete ~20 km, which meant an average speed 10kmh-1. I know this isn't that fantastic, but I truly gave it my best. It's my first time trying a route this long, and there were a few times that I really felt like giving up.

But, thankfully, I pressed on. My knees were hurting badly and there was so much oxygen debt. I could hear the popping sound in my left knee. That is one 舊傷 that 太極 has given me. Now it's alright, but I do fear what would happen many years later.

A side note about cycling, I was quite upset previously cos I wanted to start this at least one week earlier. However, for the month of March, Singapore weather was being a bitch and it rained near evenings. Since I wanted to cycle during evenings, this meant I couldn't go.

Today nearly was a miss too because GY couldn't make it last minute. (But he has a valid reason so I shall give him 'VR' and not absent LOLOL.) I wanted to postpone this time again, but in the end I decided to go cycle alone.

The ride wasn't as bad as I thought it was. In fact, it was much better. I could feel this sense of accomplishment and that somehow, I'm on my way to becoming fit!

3. Regarding being fit, I would like to introduce other 'measures' that I would be taking. The app I used above was mountainbikePRO by runtastic. I've tried a few fitness apps but so far I'm still very attracted to the whole runtastic series of them.

I've placed a shadow beneath those apps that I would very much like. I currently have heartratePRO, mountainbikePRO, situpsPRO and squatsPRO. As you can see, the apps have a standard design scheme, which to an anal person like me is heaven.

I've tried all four apps so far, and besides the fantastic design schemes, their functions and features are really good! It is very easy to locate things within the app, other similar apps are very confusing and messy.

If you're interested you can visit the App Store for more details. There would be free giveaways of free apps, which was how I got the four. (There was supposed to be another one but I missed the giveaway timeframe.)


To tell the truth, this post is done over today and Monday. So there is certianly detachment and non-continuity of thought. Whatever I wrote above doesn't and may not link at all.

4. School is tiringly enriching. Because of my screwed-up timetable, the earliest I get to go home is 1600. However, apart from feeling sleepy and all, I don't exactly dread going to school.

To me, it's more like a routine and things just go on and on. Lessons go on and we learn new things. Terms come and go. Then it's exams. Then back to lessons and exams. Repeat a few times till it's A Levels.

Perhaps it's this routine that keeps me going. Ever since I started JC, I have been sleeping at 2330 or later. The latest I slept was 0130. Back in secondary school, I normally slept around 1100. Rare were the days where I slogged till midnight; they were normally closer to O Levels.

Now, it's a blessing if I can sleep before 2300. Yet I don't exactly feel burnt-out. I do experience fatigue and sleepiness but I'm still holding on well. Coffee normally helps greatly, but I am wary of it being an addiction.

5. In a matter slightly related to school, PW is ongoing and I really hope that I would get a good PW group. I've heard of friends turning into foes after PW and I really don't want that to happen.

I know at times I am the weakest link, so I really hope that this time the group I am in has no weakest link at all. We all work hard together, excel together and get our As. We would know our groupings by next week. I'm seriously hoping.

6. I am more and more anti-America. If you may ask 'why?', I'd probably ask you 'why not?' Yes, there are nice things about America. However, many countries have said nice things as well. America doesn't exactly have a unique 'nice thing' besides American culture.

And to me American culture has less-than-excellent values anyway. Yet, America has many negative aspects which are often forgiven by people in awe of them. There are simply too many things to list; you never should ask me 'why do you hate America?' else prepared to be bombarded with rants about them.

7. I shall be practising pull-ups soon. Hopefully by week 8, I'll be able to do at least 7. I really want a NAPFA silver at least. But of course 2.4 km run and standing broad jump is still an issue, as always. So is shuttle run. Seems like I quite sucky at NAPFA test in total.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。