

3 December 2012:

The world is such a nice place.

Today I was supposed to go for a karaoke session, but it got postponed to tomorrow cos LY was too tired. For the past week, she worked for at least 11 hours a day, maximum of 14 hours even. So yeah she was too tired and wanted to use today to rest, before enjoying karaoke tomorrow.

Therefore, I am bored at home. However, I found something to do. There is this cyber-war going on between Dee Kosh, Sofia Dendroff and Kaylubbbb. Being the kaypoh inquisitive person I am, I went to find out more.

Firstly, let's introduce the man at the centre of it all: Kalebh, whose username almost everywhere is kaylubbbb. For example, his Formspring and his Twitter. His Twitter used to be private, but surprisingly it's now 'unlocked' after this episode.

Next, Kalebh's ex-best friend: Dee Kosh. I don't think he needs much introduction, since he's been featured on newspapers a few times and he is pretty famous throughout Singapore's cyberspace. Nevertheless, to be fair, here's his Formspring, his Twitter and his Youtube channel (which mainly brought him fame).

Finally, it's the girl in this whole thing: Sofia Dendroff. She used to be Kalebh's girlfriend, broke up not long ago. As usual, her Formspring, her blog and her Twitter. If I'm not wrong she's moderately popular as well cos she's a famous blogger (I think) and she's a model.


I don't exactly know how the whole thing started, but it sort of started when Kalebh broke up with Sofia. On his Formspring, Kalebh was saying that it was an amicable break-up. They even went on a final date to put a full stop to things.

Suddenly, an argument broke out between Sofia and Dee Kosh. In fact, it's more like a cyber war. All of a sudden, Kalebh loses an ex-girlfriend (whom he intended to have as a friend) and a best friend. In other words he is actually the ultimate victim and loser.

It seems like Dee Kosh was scolding Sofia that she was a 'pretentious hoe' that came between him and Kalebh. Angered, she threatens to sue, and possibly ropes in her dad. I say so because Dee Kosh mentions something about her dad and 'Mr Dendroff'.

As usual, when cyber wars break up between two famous people, each has their camp of supporters. Some are more controlled and perhaps just retweet the person they support, to show solidarity and support. Others are more hiong and openly criticise the other party.

On Dee Kosh's Formspring he gives the impression that it was Kalebh who called it quits between the both of them. But from seeing Kalebh's other pages, it really doesn't seem so. Already there are some who criticise Dee Kosh for using his fame to threaten others.

The latest instalment in this whole affair is that Dee Kosh has apologised for starting the whole thing. Sofia retweeted his apology, so I take it that she's telling her followers to chill and end it as well.


The thing may have ended, however I do have certain thoughts about it.

Firstly, what a kaypoh person I am. I can't believe I spent an hour or more scrolling through posts by three individuals. That took me more than an hour. In my defence, I was bored, hahah.

Secondly, I do not have a good impression of Dee Kosh and this made it worse. His admission to starting the whole thing makes him look bad already. He is a famous personality yet he called people a 'pretentious hoe'. I really don't think that's what a famous person should do.

Thirdly, Dee Kosh was being rather condescending on his Formspring. People genuinely sent their questions there for him to provide his viewpoints on certain things, yet he insulted them in one way or another by 'funny' responses. He mentioned that these questions should not even be asked because they could be solved with logic. From what I understand, relationship problems should be solved through talking with friends and/or family, not by single-handedly applying logic. I wonder if he decides who to date by using logic charts and all.

As mentioned above, Kalebh is the sandwiched victim. Both supporters of Dee Kosh and Sofia Dendroff would blame him. The former blames him for not wanting Dee Kosh as a friend (since that was how Dee Kosh portrays it) and the latter blames him for ending the relationship with Sofia. Then there are allegations of how Sofia was actually mistreating Kalebh all the while, and Dee Kosh was being indignant.

Kalebh denied such allegations and tries to stay neutral. He has to but it's hard; I'm sure he is angrier at one party than another. Worst of all, his birthday is coming soon, possibly his 18th as well. Never mind what age, having such a massive conflict near your birthday is not a real good way to anticipate it.

*update* Yes as 'confirmed' by Sofia's tweet way back, (knowing there's a chance of bias), Dee Kosh first started by dissing people who followed her. He even told those who did so to unfollow him. And yes, 'pretentious bitch' was somewhere in there.

Also, there's a screenshot of Dee Kosh's private account. One of it has a tweet that's contentious: it could be interpreted as him looking down on ITE students, or otherwise it could be interpreted as gibberish crap. (Kalebh's from ITE.) I'm quite certain that's him, although he says that he got hacked, because of the tweeting style. Dee Kosh uses dashes instead of commas or full stops.

Kalebh has been a camp instructor before. I'm sure he knows a thing or two in handling people and managing relations. However this episode would have caused much exhaustion to him and possibly fatigue. I really pity him for having such a thing.


Which made me think of that phrase: 世間無常. Previously Kalebh and Sofia were really happy together, and he was enjoying his friendship with Dee Kosh. Suddenly both are at loggerheads and he's suffering.

I'm sure Kalebh doesn't want all these, but what can he do? Well I do hope that Kalebh can ignore the both of them and move on with his life (and his birthday). It's funny how some on Formspring told him not to cut his wrist because of this.

There were columns in newspapers recently about how we are getting nastier with all these technology. I have to say I believe in it now. While we do not and have not degenerated into barbarians, technology makes us easier to hurl abuse at each other. Just like how some fans of Dee Kosh and Sofia Dendroff would attack each other. And as usual Kalebh is standing in middle ground (almost losing his balance) trying to calm everyone down. He did scold one annoying Dee Kosh fan who flamed Sofia though, good one that one.

By the way, I don't personally know any of them, and I probably don't know the full 100% of the story. So don't say that I'm trying to act close or anything, if ever you may have this thought.


By the way, that Kalebh guy quite hansum eh.


From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。