

1 November 2012:

My thoughts on O Levels.

Having completed 11 papers (if I count correctly) thus far, I may say that I am qualified to talk about O Levels. So are my fellow Sec 4s. (Meaning, juniors should shut up and stop complaining about it cos you're nowhere near.)

O Levels started on 22 October this year. It was English first, two papers in a day. I wasn't exhausted then, cos all the while we having been exams with two papers per day since Sec 1.

The first week was actually alright. English and maths. Then from Thursday to Sunday, there was a four-day break before the hectic week starts. I neglected Thursday, which I regretted. I did manage to study most of SS - what I planned to do - but it was rushed and I was panicking.

Mr Y had allowed us to send him e-mails with our links and explanations of essays we did. I only started sending him on Saturday at 2350. Thankfully he replied promptly. He even replied an e-mail I sent at 2000 on Sunday around 2200, even though he said no e-mails on Sunday.

I've always preferred Ms K to Mr Y, for the reason that Ms K really does teach better. Mr Y is newer to teaching (although it's his third year I think) so he doesn't really get the point across. Nevertheless, he was so nice in helping me. He could have rejected me like how Ms C rejected some of my classmates on 21 Oct.

Today's physics was alright, I felt. But the moment I went out WT exclaimed 'very hard, right?' and I was shocked. As I talked further I realised other people also saying that physics was difficult. Now's my turn to panic cos my physics is no good yet I felt this one easy. The only plausible reason besides my flunking is that somehow I had a miracle and 開竅-ed for physics.

Biology was a bloody disappointment. It was my best science yet I could tell I did so badly for it. I really had no confidence for it. Even simple things like identifying parts of a cell / in a plant / whatnot I got it wrong. I don't know how many marks I would have lost from all of that.

The thought of getting a B3 or even A2 is tragic to me. You may say I have very high standards of myself but I think such is necessary since my dream job is one that requires a lot of biology (and chemistry). If next time I go for an interview and the interviewer takes a look at my dismal O Level biology results, what am I to explain? So long as they can find one who gets one grade better (and the same results as me ever since), I can leave the room.

The only subject I am confident of getting an A in currently is both maths. Other than that I really don't know.


WT who sits behind me for most exams has been nudging me whenever a teacher addresses the cohort before a paper. She started that ever since I told her how I liked such addresses.

It gives me the feeling of a general or a prime minister addressing soldiers before a battle. Just like how Churchill often gave speeches during WWII to British soldiers. (Actually all Allied soldiers would have heard, I think.)

Anyway, yes I like that kind of feeling. It bring me with a little bit more confidence cos somehow I feel invigorated. Also, it is during this time where teachers may provide useful tips that I didn't take note of previously.


There are five more papers left for O Levels. The last is half a month later, so there's time for maximum preparation. I really must buck up for all the paper ones.

By the way, whoever my readers are, thanks for visiting my site after so many days of inactivity. I was surprised to see an average of 30 views even when there's no new posts. Now that O Levels are unofficially over I would resume blogging but it still may not be as frequent.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。