

22 October 2012:


Yes, I have finished with two papers. There are another 14 papers to go.

Today before heading to school I received a call from Ms K. For some reason or another, she asked if I was a PRC. I wasn't upset or angry, in part because I was asked this plenty of times and also because she sounded so apologetic from the start.

As I was about to reach school my niece told me that she got pangseh-ed by D. Tsk. So I went to Dakota to meet her. I told her I would wait at the bus stop, she just came out of the station around that time.

I went into the LT at 11 where Mr S was looping a set of 99 Powerpoint slides. For the first loop he said he would 'let the Powerpoint do the talking', but for the second he talked for almost every slide till I left. I heard from my niece later that he got tired so he stopped. Between the first and second Mr P and Mrs T came in to speak.

Actually, I felt Mrs T's words were more meaningful. Mr P kept repeating the idea of being prepared. Which reminded me of his pre-Fudan speech where he repeated three key ideas for half an hour. Mrs T told us that the exam was about 會不會讀題目, 能不能善用時間 and 可不可以減少錯誤.

I felt that more useful than 'being prepared', although her examples were rather long-winded. The cohort was more restless during her speech. I could tell that many couldn't care of what she was saying. They probably regarded both to be talking nonsense.


At 1330 we started our English paper 1. I flipped the paper and found the usual. The questions were alright for compo, not too difficult or easy.

(By the way, I really like O Level exam papers. It uses Helvetica not Arial and OMG the ink has gloss! Also the typography and style is really good and it absolutely is British English!)


The first collection of papers were slightly messy. Some invigilators collected halfway and had to 'rewind' cos someone else was collecting.

Compre this year wasn't superbly hard, but not easy as well. I only panicked during summary. I was too happy with my 20 points that I didn't realise I only had <10 minutes left to transfer everything.

At that point of time, my hand started trembling. What a perfect time. My handwriting was already not very legible, and the shaking made it worse. When checking in the end I couldn't even read some of my words.

Luckily I finished in time with around two minutes to spare. I had no time to check my comprehension answers though. I can only hope I've answered them well without stupid careless mistakes.

During the comprehension I kept thinking of my niece's birthday card. That was so distracting. I had the best idea and no matter how hard I tried to focus I couldn't. After the exam the idea went -poof- and it still is eluding me till now.

Idea, Y U NO appear at the right time?! The good thing is after thinking hard I think I remember some details of the fantastic card.

Maybe I'll resume 心情小抽屜 tonight or tomorrow. I shall think of writing a shorter one heh cos the deadline's tight. But first I have to finish making the card.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。