

11 August 2012:

Все дело в количестве.

Recently I have been rather obsessed with numbers.

On National Day, I was delighted to see my viewership.

Previously I caught 8888 views as well, if I'm not wrong. I don't know if I posted it, though. It has risen to 10164 since then~

Ever since I got my iPhone around February 2012, I've been screen-shotting various times.

Some should be familiar to you lah but oh well I shall explain them.

1111 was what Ellen DeGeneres kept on seeing, according to her. She said that almost whenever she looked at her clock, it was 1111. She founded a label company (or something like that) named 1111. That was last year, and since then people have regarded this as sort of a 'lucky number'. I know of people who will make a wish on 1111. (I think Ellen's clock needs repairing, that's all.)

1331: this number is just for fun, lah.

1314 is supposed to mean 一生一世 for couples to stay forever together. Or even you're sadistic and all that, it could mean 一生一死 so one of you will die. Anyway I shall stick with the friendly meaning. I think it's rather romantic eh, this time. Maybe I would send my future girlfriend such screen shots every day.

1414 is, in Chinese superstition, rather unlucky. (Well I don't know why I still screen-shot it.) 14 is the Chinese equivalent of 13 in Western culture, which carries an unlucky meaning. In various dialects such as Hokkien and Cantonese, and even Mandarin itself, the pronunciation of 14 sounds like death. Hmm.

1819, the year Raffles stepped on Singapore and stared at the Singapore River. People have erected a statue of his iconic pose. But what if he was actually cross when he stood there? (This sentence has a double pun. You are as witty lame as me if you understand it.)

2222 and 2233 were just random 'for fun' numbers.

2257 is the article number for the U.S. law on child pornography, or something like that. Before you hand me over to authorities, I shall clarify that my internet habits do not include child pornography. Why I took this number was because I was constantly seeing this number, just like how Ellen always saw 1111.

Finally, 2323 and 2332 were also for fun.


Check out what I set out to do yesterday:

Very disciplined right? No.

I didn't accomplish majority of the things listed. I only finished (90%) Chinese and read some of Newsweek.

I actually fell asleep at 4 while reading Newsweek. If you see the schedule, at 4 I was supposed to be having tea break. I didn't have tea break yesterday; my whole schedule was messed up.

My maid (thankfully) woke me up at 5.30. I slept for 1.5 hours, which meant it was wasted. Chemistry paper was not done.

I read my daily dose of 笑傲江湖 around 6. I enacted some parts (the fighting bits), so I think my maid was surprised to hear my shouting Chinese stuff. Or maybe she's already got used to the nonsense I do at home.

AMaths time was really worrying. I only did question 1 part a, cos part b was too difficult for me. Which meant procrastination till lunch. (Don't ask me why I did not do Chinese.)

The one thing I did not miss, without surprise, is компютр времий. I know, I know. O Levels are coming soon, like what I said in the previous post.

I have set another schedule for today. I think this one shall be better followed.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。