

2 June 2012:

This world is weird.

This post contains vivid descriptions of a murder. I am not trying to sensationalise the incident, but merely describing an actual process. You might want to avoid this post if you aren't really too comfortable with such things.

On 1 June, news broke that a US student had allegedly eaten his roommate's heart and brain. A few days ago, on 27 May, someone in Miami (now termed 'Miami's growling cannibal') chewed off a homeless man's face.

Somewhere between the two dates, on 31 May, a Canadian porn actor killed and dismembered a Chinese student. This case proves to be the biggest-scale so far, since the Canadian has fled the country and is possibly in France.

There's been a new instalment to this case as well. The Canadian has supposedly posted a video of his latest killing titled '1 lunatic 1 ice pick'. I tried searching it on Youtube, where there were already reaction videos. So apparently this video would have been viewed by more than a few people.

Most probably, Youtube would have censored this video rather instantly. I continue to see many search results.  However, I did not click into any of them, so I can't really guarantee if the real deal's still there.

According to one source, the video shows a victim naked and tied up. A man - suspected to be the Canadian - stabs the victim in the abdomen with an ice pick. The man then continues to slice various parts of the man's body.

After dismembering the victim, the man plays with his limbs and rubs them on his crotch area. He also had anal sex with the victim (which is dead by now), so this is technically necrophilia, an absolutely disgusting thing. Carrying on, the man used a knife and fork to slice away a piece of meat from the victim's buttocks and ate it. So besides necrophilia, he has also committed cannibalism. The man then offers it to his dog, who eats it as well.

When the dog finished eating, the man stuck a glass bottle up the victim's arse (again necrophilia). The final sickening thing: the man used the victim's severed hand to masturbate.

... Finished puking? The source I visited (which you really shouldn't) has a picture of the Chinese victim. The skin of his neck is spilt open, blood is soaking around him, and he basically doesn't look good at all. I think any police officer or forensic scientist wouldn't want to look at it.

The source calls the video the sickest thing the internet has ever seen. For that reason, I shall be contented with the description given, and not risk a heart attack or nightmares by viewing that video. You probably shouldn't view it too. If you want gore, watch Happy Tree Friends.

Back to my point, such people are simply ... disgusting. I can't think of other words to describe them. They have a serious mental problem and should not be allowed into human civilisation. All these incidents make me want to be a forensic pathologist even more.

It's not that I will get to see more of such stuff; that is sick. It's because I want to help these victims who died for no reason. Such cases should stop immediately. What has happened to this world, I wonder? Why are there more and more of such morbid cases?

If one were to check the history of human civilisation (which I did not), I don't think we would find such gruesome cases. And even if we did, they could have been excused, since previously humans were barbarians and did not have intelligent thinking. But now, so many more people are educated. I believe the killer and the other attackers were educated.

They cannot be forgiven for committing such acts. The man who chewed off his victim's face has been suspected of being under the influence of 'bath salts', a synthetic drug. Even so, I think it does little to absolve blame.

All in all ... weird things should stop. In such a developed (or at least developing) world, so many weird things are happening. Perhaps we should move back to ancient civilisation.



From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。