

27 February 2012:

Leadership renewal screws everyone up.

Previously, my mum asked if there was any politics in school, like office politics that she faces. I told her no, it wasn't that complicated.

Maybe now I can take back my words. There is politics; it has been around for a while. It's just that previously, there's no event to unleash all of it. There are disagreements and skrimishes, but they generally are rather small-scale. People don't really care about it.

Then came along leadership renewal. Here's where you see lots of politics being played. It's scary, seeing that seemingly innocent and "pure" people would actually be plotting stuff. Of course, one would be a fool to be passive and go with the flow during leadership renewal; definitely a certain amount of planning would be required, so that hopefully you can get the leadership post you were aiming for.

But it's not all that simple. It's very, very complex. I don't even know how exactly to talk about it.

Who knows? Maybe behind some people's backs, I'm being talked about, being insulted and scolded. I may be the common enemy, unknowingly. I'm not saying all this just because I suspect I'm being targeted at, and decide to come here to whine to possibly non-existent blog viewers.

It's just that ... I feel it's really tiring. (Which was what my mum said too.) Sometimes people may unknowingly do things without realising that it is actually hurtful or objectionable to certain parties. Maybe that's why people are termed hypocritical.

hypocritical (adj.)
behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

I believe that some "hypocrites" are actually not hypocrites. It's just that sometimes, they are simply insensitive, and did not realise there was another side of the coin to consequences. So, they are termed hypocrites by others.

I wonder if anyone thinks I'm a hypocrite.


From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。