

26 April 2011:

I think I am going to do very badly for this exam.

Let me show you what I mean:

English: nothing much to say, my English has always been mediocre. My attempts to improve my vocabulary has not been very successful, due to a lack of interest. I handed in my CA1 Component 5 today, frankly speaking, I'd be happy if I can get a B4, which would translate to around 18/30.


E Math: let's just say that I don't bother paying attention to the teacher in class. No, I am not so good in class till I don't need to, but it's because the lesson has been so boring and mundane that even I don't feel like listening. Besides that, the teaching method is definitely not working for my class. My E Math test was returned today: I scored less than 70%. To make things worse, a teacher added that this test was supposed to be a "motivational booster", i.e. a lot of people were supposed to score very well, to boost their spirits before the exams. Apparently it has done the reverse to me. I guess I have to do more E Math questions over the weekend. Oh, guess what: the TYS for E Math just arrived today, approximately 1 week away from the exams.

A Math: this is probably the most confident subject of mine in the whole of MYE this time, since there is the assurance that if I stop making careless mistakes and revise the techniques well enough, there is a high chance of me getting >95%. Maybe it's because I have tuition ... but I'm sure it's also because I have a wonderful teacher that can teach in a very systematic and logical way; definitely the best way to teach A Math.

Bio: this subject is one of the most worrying one. As I was telling S just now, previously I at least had an idea of the syllabus. Now, I am totally confused and mixed up. It also doesn't help that Nutrition in Plants must be covered, since I absolutely detest anything related to do with plants. I know that it has to be learnt, since Biology would mean that it's everything about life, and life is also consists of plants, and blah ... Well, I still don't have any interest whatsoever. I guess one reason would be that I am unable to relate to plant systems (you can understand digestion because it is happening as you learn, for example).

Chem: this subject is also a very worrying one. The pressure (from myself subconsciously) is very high since I scored quite well for last year's EYE. But, for last year, I was relatively well-prepared, unlike this year's MYE! I also realised that my KPT is rather weak; I really need to do something about it. Also, the chapter on Chemical Structure and Bonding, although some was covered in Sec 2, I still feel a little lost. Especially with new things like giant molecular structure ... I catch no balls, man.

Physics: although throughout the tests, I did quite okay, but I'm really afraid that during the MYE, I'll just freak out and not be able to answer a lot of questions. My concept is more or less there, but I might miss out on something, and that might cost me a lot of marks. By the way, I still don't understand the concept of free fall and the relation to air resistance. Someone knock some sense into me.

Social Studies: I'll wait till tomorrow's SS lesson to find out how well / how disastrous my test went. I hope that at least if my SS is okay, it will pull up the grade of History. However, it has been a trend for almost every batch of students that SS (or rather Combined Humanities) is never passable, or at least never able to get an A. Can I be part of the batch that breaks this trend ...?

History: enough has been said. Refer to previous post(s) for information on how screwed I am.

That's all for now. I'm screwed. Thank you for your concern.


From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。