

4 June 2010:

Dear “secrets”, I really don’t know how to react to you:

You seem like a good friend to me, don’t you? Well, no.
In school, your attitude is so different from what it was outside school. You go against me almost every time there is a chance to. At first I thought it was because you were just “having fun”, so I didn’t mind that much.
A year later, it really hasn’t changed. This made me wonder whether you really are “playing” with me. Or are you purposely avoiding me, for some reason or another?
I really don’t know. You either be cold as ice to me, or be very friendly all of a sudden.
What kind of explanation can be given for such behaviour? I really don’t know.
Oh yes, another thing here, I don’t like being a friend that you use to compare, win, and jeer at. I’m quite sure that you know that I don’t jeer at you (or at least I do it jokingly). You do it with intent, and I seriously find it hard to believe that “you are joking” with me.
Perhaps I should not think of reasons for you anymore. I should just attribute all your eccentric behaviour as a form of going against, be it for fun or not. I am really tired putting up with your “attitude swings”. What do you treat me for huh?
If you noticed, I seldom do really get angry with you. It’s not that I don’t, actually. It’s that I try not to. I could have, but I felt that you are still quite important to me, so I should not let my temper have its way.
So if you are reading this post, and know I am talking about you [“secrets”], can you perhaps try and clarify things with me? I know that sounds a little selfish: it was me that wanted an answer, but I’m expecting you to ask me. Well, I’ll tell you this, I might / might not be selfish, but I’m sure that it’ll help greatly if you could take the first step.
Make anything you want out of this: I will feel sad, but I won’t feel a pity.
quick learner,所以就需要慢慢來。太極已經有夠慢了,哈哈。下個星期沒有武術,打從心裡說啦,是蠻可惜的。一個禮拜沒有練,雖然是可以讓腿部肌肉快點好起來,不過肌肉可能過於鬆弛,那也不好。

:) 「失敗並不可悲,人生的悲哀是身臨絕境卻毫無意識,甚至自以為勝。」


From Singapore. 20 years of age. Blogs as and when inspiration comes, in British English (and Singlish), Traditional Chinese and (hopefully) Russian. Not a lifestyle blogger, expect posts to be serious, dull or even obscure. I enjoy comedy, in particular British humour.


[more or less in order] medicine | forensics | theatre | modern world history | typography (including style and grammar) | visual design | Taiji | Chinese language and literature | Mandarin pop (and singing) | Apple products.


PT Serif for main text and links. Ubuntu Condensed for dates, post titles and sidebar headings. Both fonts from Google Web Fonts.


singzeon. by Sing Zeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. Pictures used here either come from my Instagram ( or Google image search. For the latter, I do not own those pictures.


Hard to love. 認真你就輸了。